This is a large and complex figurine, featuring an Eastern Bluebird Family. Presented are a male and female along with their nest containing five eggs placed in a tree hollow. Surrounding the tree are spring flowers, suggesting the time of year during which one might actually witness this scene. The figurine is Japanese Bisque, handpainted, during the 1960s, when the esteemed Gorham Silver Company briefly stuck its toe into porcelain and bisque. While many figurines in this family are small representations of a single bird, this exemplar is quite complex, multidimensional and is more of a scene, a grouping of several moving parts and multiple actors. The complex figurine stands 9″ tall, is 8″ wide and 6 deep. There are first quality exhaust holes of manufacture hidden appropriately. Small velvet boots have been placed of each of the four feet of the figurine. The bare of the figuring has an original sticker, which indicates that the item is “Gorham Made in Japan”. The item is in excellent condition.